architectures von Neumann, Harvard, bugs RISC, CISC microprocessor, microcontroller multi-core GPU, embedded FPGA, TinyFPGA, IceStorm, Symbiflow SiliconCompiler spatial memory registers (instructions) SRAM (fast) DRAM (big) EEPROM (non-volatile) FLASH (programs, strings) fuse (configuration) peripherals ports A/D comparator D/A timer/counter/PWM USART USB math crypto ... word size 8 16 32 64 processor families hardware, software benchmarks LOGIC Megaprocessor MOnSter 6502 8051 PIC MSP AVR • 6-100 pin packages ATtiny10 • SOT23-6 ATtiny45V, ATtiny44A • prior ATtiny412, ATtiny1614, ATtiny3216 • 1-series • 8 bit, 1.8-5.5V, 20 MHz • single-cycle global instructions • simple peripheral register access • low pin-count packages • one-pin serial programming ATtiny1624 • 2-series • programmable gain amplifier AVR128DB32 • 24 MHz • analog signal conditioning • level shifting • hardware multiplier ARM D11C, D11D, D21E, D51 • 32 bit, 1.6-3.6V • 48 MHz clock, more complex clock distribution and synchronization • more powerful peripherals, more complex register access and libraries • diverse family, larger packages • standard in-circuit debugging STM32 • 8-265 pins • good software support Raspberry Pi RP2040 • 32-bit dual-core • 133 MHz clock (250 MHz+ over-clocked) • 264k SRAM • programmable peripherals RP2350 Xtensa (MIPS) ESP8266, ESP32 • integrated RF, networking RISC-V • open architecture • ESP32-C3, ESP32-C6 PSoC, xCORE, Propeller, Lattice, NVIDIA • parallel vendors Octopart Digi-Key Mouser Newark Farnell SparkFun Adafruit packages DIP SOT SOIC TSSOP TQFP LQFP MLF, WLCSP, BGA embedded languages modifying code assembly hex file instruction set, opcodes mnemonics, directives, expressions avr-as inline C C++ programming types GCC make files (tabs) bit operations AVR libc modules types math benchmarks avr-libc binutils-avr gcc-avr homebrew-avr ARM gcc-arm-none-eabi gdb-multiarch homebrew-arm libopencm3 Microchip Studio toolchains packs (zip) ASF START Espressif ESP-IDF ESP-DSP Rust memory leaks, memory overruns, race conditions RP template ESP32 AVR interpreters MicroPython CircuitPython language implementation REPL speed bridge, asyncio (threads) ulab Espruino Kaluma DeviceScript in-system development raw REPL, Web REPL, bootloader, bootloaders JTAG SWD (ARM) software OpenOCD EDBG program: edbg -b -t target_type -epv -f binary_file read fuses: edbg -b -t target_type -F r,*,file_name write fuses: edbg -b -t target_type -F w,high_bit:low_bit,bit_value disable SAMD bootloader protection: edbg -b -t target_type -F w,2:0,7 hardware Atmel-ICE PICO GoodFET Raspberry Pi Free-DAP USB-D11C-SWD-10 pin board components traces traces+exterior interior USB-D11C-SWD-4 pin board components traces traces+exterior interior SWD-10-4-0.05 pitch board components traces traces+exterior interior SWD-10-4-0.1 pitch board components traces traces+exterior interior binary video USB-D11C-SWD-10 pin Eagle brd sch USB-D11C-SWD-10 pin KiCad sch pcb prl pro USB-D11C-SWD-10 pin SVG-PCB js UPDI (newer AVR) software pyupdi install: pip3 install intelhex pylint pyserial program: python3 -d your_processor -c your_port -b your_baud_rate -f your_hex_file -v pymcuprog install: apt install libusb-1.0-0-dev, libudev-dev pip3 install pymcuprog program: pymcuprog -d your_processor -t uart -u your_port -c your_baud_rate -v info erase pymcuprog -d your_processor -t uart -u your_port -c your_baud_rate -v info write -f your_hex_file hardware USB-D11C-serial board components top top+exterior interior bootloader SAMD11C SAMD11C_serial video serial-UPDI-2 pin board components traces traces+exterior interior connector(less) serial UPDI-3 pin board components traces traces+exterior interior USB-FT230X-UPDI board components traces traces+exterior interior dual serial SWD+UPDI ISP (original AVR) software avrdude hardware header pads clip pins Atmel-ICE Arduino ATmega16U2 Zaerc ATtiny45 Sean Alex Tomás Jonathan Brian Zaerc ATtiny44 Ali Valentin Bas Andy David USB-t44-ISP board components traces traces+exterior interior programming breakout development environments Microchip Studio Eclipse VS Code Thonny Codebra PlatformIO Arduino board + toolchain + libraries + IDE + bootloader + header programming C++ Create Codebender Ardublock CLI original Fabkit Fabio satshakit hello.328P cores Arduino-Pico ESP32 ESP8266 fab-sam tinyAVR DxCore ATTinyCore overhead millis interrupts ISR development boards XIAO (CT) Adafruit Pololu Olimex Micro:bit Beagle Rasberry Pi Quentorres Fab-Xiao SAMDino Adrianino D11C devkit D21E devkit operating systems bare-metal cooperative vs preemptive multitasking FreeRTOS TinyOS Mbed OS ROS clocks types RC (10%, 1% calibrated) ceramic (0.5%) quartz (50 ppm) PLL instruction cycles overclocking underclocking serial communication RS232 bit timing VT100/ANSI/ISO/ECMA terminal Arduino serial monitor Screen screen port speed, ctrl-a k to quit pySerial miniterm python -m /dev/your_device_port your_baud_rate SerialPort terminal serialport-terminal Web Serial USB ASF Arduino TinyUSB USB-D11C-serial board components top interior bootloader serial.ino video SAMD11C_serial FTDI drivers libFTDI cable chip hello.USB-serial.FT230X board components traces traces+exterior interior RP2040 XIAO pinout hello.button-blink.RP2040 board components traces interior hello.button-blink.RP2040.1.ino 2.ino video blink-echo.ino video Pico Doom ESP32 ESP32-C3 XIAO pinout hello.button-blink.C3 board components traces interior hello.button-blink.C3.ino video ESP32-WROOM-32 module versions ESP32-WROOM-echo board components traces traces+exterior holes interior echo.ino video ring.ino Python video ESP8266 ESP-01 module ESP-01-echo board components traces traces+exterior holes interior echo.ino video ESP-WROOM-02D module ESP-WROOM-02D-echo board components traces traces+exterior holes interior echo.ino video Python video ATSAMD11C D11C-blink board components traces traces+exterior interior D11C-blink-reset board components traces traces+exterior interior D11C-blink-reset-clock board components traces traces+exterior interior blink.c blink.make bootloader blink.ino video ring.ino D11C-echo board components traces traces+exterior interior D11C-echo-10 board components traces traces+exterior interior D11C-echo-mini board components traces traces+exterior holes interior D11C-echo-micro board components traces traces+exterior holes interior echo.ino video D11C-serial board components top interior D11C-serial-micro-4 board components traces traces+exterior holes interior D11C-serial-large vias board components top top+exterior bottom holes interior D11C-serial-small vias board components top top+exterior bottom holes interior Gerber serial.ino video SAMD11C_serial ATSAMD11D D11D-echo board components traces traces+exterior interior openocd.cfg bootloader echo.ino video ATSAMD21E D21E-echo board components traces traces+exterior interior bootloader echo.ino video Python ATSAMD51 hello worlds ring.ino ATtiny412 t412-blink-3 pin board components traces mask traces+exterior interior blink.ino blink.c make video t412-blink-2 pin board components traces traces+exterior interior blink.ino video ring.ino t412-echo board componenets traces traces+exterior interior echo.ino video echo.c echo.make video ATtiny45 t45-echo board components traces traces+exterior interior pin re-use ports port.c port.make port.ino port.write.ino bit-bang echo.c echo.make echo.ino echo.serial.ino video ATtiny1614 ATtiny1624 t1614-echo board components traces traces+exterior interior echo.ino video ATtiny44 t44-echo board components traces traces+exterior interior t44-echo-2 sided board components top top+exterior bottom holes interior programming mods echo.c echo.c.make echo.interrupt.c echo.interrupt.c.make echo.asm echo.asm.make ATtiny3216 ATtiny3226 t3216-echo board components traces traces+exterior interior echo.ino video AVR128DB32 128DB32-echo board components traces traces+exterior interior ring.c ring.make echo.c echo.make video debugging simulation digital Wokwi video mixed-signal AVR8js video software blink LED add print statements use embedded debugger gdb, ddd Microchip Studio Arduino 2 hardware inspect, reflow solder joints check component orientation, values verify data sheets confirm connector orientation measure supply voltages probe I/O signals AI embedded TensorFlow Lite TinyML ESP-DL Edge Impulse coding ChatGPT Copilot DeepSeek bugs, hallucination, copyright infringement, ... assignment assignment assignment group assignment: demonstrate and compare the toolchains and development workflows for available embedded architectures individual assignment: browse through the data sheet for your microcontroller write a program for a microcontroller, and simulate its operation, to interact (with local input &/or output devices) and communicate (with remote wired or wireless connections) extra credit: test it on a development board extra credit: try different languages &/or development environments