subtractive vs additive processes printing motivation motivation motivation complexity access net-shape waste constraints failure resolution time cost materials materials polymer: PLA plant-based renewable polymer low volatiles, fine particles easiest to print glass transition ~60C more brittle PETG oil-based recyclable polymer low volatiles, fine particles glass transition ~80C tougher, better UV resistance PMMA, ABS, HIPS, TPU, PVA, ... composite: metal, wood storage: hygroscopic settings lifecycle ventilation certification design rules supports types design overhang FCStd jpg stl clearance FCStd jpg stl unsupported angle FCStd jpg stl overhang FCStd jpg stl bridging FCStd jpg stl wall thickness FCStd jpg stl dimensions FCStd jpg stl anisotropy FCStd jpg stl surface finish FCStd jpg stl infill FCStd jpg stl tapers, corner z offset, leveling, measurement adhesion, warping, rafts, brims post-processing plating processes stereolithography laser DLP fused-deposition molding (FDM)/fused filament fabrication (FFF) extruder extrusion contour crafting DED, WAAM Binder jetting PolyJet selective laser sintering two photon nano bio digital machines RepRap self-replication Ultimaker Z-Unlimited Prusa parts XL color AFS Sainsmart Bambu AMS parts color Mosaic Palette Elegoo Formlabs SLA parts Print the Legend Chase Me mass customization SLS parts Stratasys J55 color MTM InMachines Hangprinter axes E3D Precious Plastic Filastruder materials Proto-pasta MatterHackers NinjaTek MachineableWax The Virtual Foundry fabric fabric food safety food safety food safety service bureaus print farms Shapeways JLCPCB Ponoko Additively file formats STL ASCII solid object_name facet normal n1 n2 n3 outer loop vertex v11 v12 v13 vertex v21 v22 v23 vertex v31 v32 v33 endloop endfacet ... endsolid object_name binary 80 byte ASCII header 32-bit integer number of facets 50 byte facet records 32-bit IEEE floats normal vertices 1,2,3 2 byte attribute right hand rule normal (optional) (lack of) units file size PLY AMF 3MF STEP FAV OBJ, 3ds,DXFVRML, X3D glTF Alembic FREP adaptively-sampled distance fields voxels .vol, .gif, image stack marching cubes voxel print G-codes pause image non-planar arc overhang brick layer software meshing MeshLab netfabb meshmixer Geomagic slicing ReplicatorG Skeinforge Slic3r PrusaSlicer Cura IceSL Kiri:Moto t43 printing Printrun OctoPrint Repetier firmware Klipper sharing Sketchfab Thingiverse Printables modelviewer scanning point cloud, triangulation, watertight, texture lighting, background, surface treatment tomography Radon transform micro-CT Rigaku Lumafield scanned probe confocal serial sections opacity digitizer Photogrammetry AliceVision Meshroom image Luma AI Polycam KIRI Engine ReCap PhotoScan VisualSFM SCANN3D Qlone OpenMVG COLMAP OpenScan scanner speckle OpenKinect ReconstructMe laser FabScan structured light Gray code POP3 stereo Ferret Pro scans LIDAR Seeed TI Intel Matterport Scaniverse light stage scanning photoreal SLAM assignment assignment assignment assignment group assignment: - test the design rules for your 3D printer(s) individual assignment: - design and 3D print an object (small, few cm3, limited by printer time) that could not be made subtractively - 3D scan an object (and optionally print it)