electrical safety ~1 mA: OK ~10 mA: shock, contraction ~100 mA: fibrillation body: M ohm external, k ohm internal dielectric breakdown: ~kV/mm supply capacitors inductive flyback polarity protection diode, MOSFET level shift MOSFET connector polarization, orientation circuit protection power wire gauge USB charger hub battery module meter power supply bench switching, linear, regulated supercapacitor LiPo battery charge controller storage wireless current measurement in-line meter supply regulation sense resistor magnetic field inductance LED current limiting hello.button-blink.C3 board components traces interior hello.button-blink.C3.ino hello.button-blink.C3.py video PWM hello.fade.C3.py video Charlieplexing hello.array.44 board components traces traces+exterior interior C makefile video hello.array.44.2 board components bottom vias top top+exterior interior C makefile video RGB LED pixels lights wires NeoPixel/WS2812B/SK6812 hello.WS2812B board components top interior hello.WS2812B.RP2040.py video Arduino Micropython library 3 in 1 hello.RGB.45 board components traces traces+exterior interior C makefile video LEDs diode drop, series-parallel MOSFET N, P, N floating gates, gate resistors dissipation, Rds, switching BJT, BiCMOS, IGBT hello.LEDs.t412 board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.LEDs.t412.ino video thermal runaway eye safety displays LCD HD44780 library hello.LCD.44 board components traces traces+exterior interior C makefile video I2C PCF8574 library hello.I2C.t1614 hello.LCD.I2C.ino video OLED SSD1306 hello.SSD1306.RP2040 board components top holes interior hello.SSD1306.RP2040.py ssd1306.py video library scripts hello.SSD1306.45 board components traces traces+exterior interior C makefile video TFT ILI9341 library hello.ILI9341.SW.D21E board components traces traces+exterior interior video hello.ILI9341.HW.D21E board components top top+exterior bottom holes interior video ST7735 video E Ink modules video RS170, NTSC, PAL, SECAM, VGA 75 ohm impedance hello.video.44 board components traces traces+exterior interior C makefile video SPI TVout thinner client color DC motor H-bridge DRV8251A hello.DRV8251A.RP2040 board components top interior TB67H451AFNG,EL hello.TB67H451.RP2040 board components top interior hello.TB67H451.RP2040.ino hello.TB67H451.RP2040.py boot.py video hello.H-bridge.D11C board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.H-bridge.D11C.ino video A4950 hello.H-bridge.44 board components traces traces+exterior interior C makefile video Dual H-bridge DRV8847 torque, power, efficiency, gearing vibration heat speaker MP3 library module I2S MAX98357A library module hello.MAX98357A.RP2040 board components top holes interior hello.MAX98357A.RP2040.ino video PWM class D, library hello.TB67H451.RP2040.audio.ino hello.TB67H451.RP2040.audio.py boot.py video hello.TB67H451.RP2040.wave.py sample.py hello.py convert_byterray.py video hello.TB67H451.RP2040.wave.ino sample.ino sample.main.ino convert.py video hello.speaker.D11C board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.speaker.D11C.ino hello.speaker-registers.D11C.ino video solenoid servo motor 50 Hz ~1-2 ms PWM (dis)continuous rotation ATtiny412 hello.servo.t412 board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.servo.t412.ino hello.servo-registers.t412.ino video ATSAMD11C hello.servo-D11C board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.servo-registers.D11C.ino video ATtiny44 hello.servo.44 board components traces traces+exterior interior ZLDO1117 hello.servo.44.1 board components traces traces+exterior interior LM2940 C (hardware PWM) makefile C (two-channel, software PWM) makefile video brushless DC motor (BLDC) efficiency, density, reliability, noise inrunner, outrunner, pancake, fan, gimbal Kv (RPM/V) phases/rotation (6 typical) drive waveform open-loop, closed-loop control back EMF (BEMF) sensing ~1 (fan), 10 (drone), 100 (skateboard), 1000 (car) A,$ triple half-bridge A4949 hello.A4949.RP2040 board components top interior hello.A4949.RP2040.py video electronic speed controller (ESC) hello.ESC.44 board components traces traces+exterior interior C makefile video firmware servo PWM power input, output initialization, calibration stepper motor types wire identification step size (1.8 degrees typical) full, half, microstepping current, duration step and direction DRV8428 hello.DRV8428-D11C board components traces traces+exterior holes interior hello.DRV8428-D11C.ino video hello.DRV8428-D11C-NEMA17 board components traces traces+exterior holes interior code video H-bridge hello.DRV8251A.RP2040 board components top interior hello.DRV8251A.RP2040.stepper.py video hello.DRV8251A.RP2040.stepper.load.py video hello.DRV8251A.RP2040.PD board components top holes interior hello.DRV8251A.RP2040.stepper.PD.py video hello.stepper.bipolar.D11C board components top top+exterior bottom holes interior hello.stepper.bipolar.D11C.ino video hello.stepper.bipolar.44 board components traces traces+exterior interior full makefile video driver electro-permanent electrostatic motor control Allegro TI Trinamic Pololu motion control solid state relay AC vs DC IC hockey puck wiring voltage drop: ~V safety: switch hot side US: black (red,blue) = hot, white = neutral, green(-yellow) = ground EU: brown (black,gray) = hot, blue = neutral, green-yellow = ground switched outlet shape memory piezo polymer artificial muscle fishing line conducting thread actuator LCE soft inflatable pneumatics hydraulics assignment group assignment: measure the power consumption of an output device individual assignment: add an output device to a microcontroller board you've designed, and program it to do something