# # hello.RP204-XIAO.blink-echo.py # # Seeed XIAO RP2040 blink and echo hello-world # # Neil Gershenfeld 2/12/23 # # This work may be reproduced, modified, distributed, # performed, and displayed for any purpose, but must # acknowledge this project. Copyright is retained and # must be preserved. The work is provided as is; no # warranty is provided, and users accept all liability. # import sys import utime import machine from ws2812 import WS2812 # # globals # numpixels = 1 pixelpower = 11 pixelpin = 12 string = '' # # steup # powerpin = machine.Pin(pixelpower,machine.Pin.OUT) powerpin.value(1) led = WS2812(pixelpin,numpixels) # # main loop # while True: # # read, save, and send char # char = sys.stdin.read(1) string += char sys.stdout.write("hello.RP2040-XIAO.blink-echo.py: you typed "+string+'\r'+'\n'); # # blink LED red green blue white black # led.pixels_fill((255,0,0)) led.pixels_show() utime.sleep(0.1) # led.pixels_fill((0,255,0)) led.pixels_show() utime.sleep(0.1) # led.pixels_fill((0,0,255)) led.pixels_show() utime.sleep(0.1) # led.pixels_fill((255,255,255)) led.pixels_show() utime.sleep(0.1) # led.pixels_fill((0,0,0)) led.pixels_show()