""" microdot_asyncio ---------------- The ``microdot_asyncio`` module defines a few classes that help implement HTTP-based servers for MicroPython and standard Python that use ``asyncio`` and coroutines. """ try: import uasyncio as asyncio except ImportError: import asyncio try: import uio as io except ImportError: import io from microdot import Microdot as BaseMicrodot from microdot import mro from microdot import NoCaseDict from microdot import Request as BaseRequest from microdot import Response as BaseResponse from microdot import print_exception from microdot import HTTPException from microdot import MUTED_SOCKET_ERRORS def _iscoroutine(coro): return hasattr(coro, 'send') and hasattr(coro, 'throw') class _AsyncBytesIO: def __init__(self, data): self.stream = io.BytesIO(data) async def read(self, n=-1): return self.stream.read(n) async def readline(self): # pragma: no cover return self.stream.readline() async def readexactly(self, n): # pragma: no cover return self.stream.read(n) async def readuntil(self, separator=b'\n'): # pragma: no cover return self.stream.readuntil(separator=separator) async def awrite(self, data): # pragma: no cover return self.stream.write(data) async def aclose(self): # pragma: no cover pass class Request(BaseRequest): @staticmethod async def create(app, client_reader, client_writer, client_addr): """Create a request object. :param app: The Microdot application instance. :param client_reader: An input stream from where the request data can be read. :param client_writer: An output stream where the response data can be written. :param client_addr: The address of the client, as a tuple. This method is a coroutine. It returns a newly created ``Request`` object. """ # request line line = (await Request._safe_readline(client_reader)).strip().decode() if not line: return None method, url, http_version = line.split() http_version = http_version.split('/', 1)[1] # headers headers = NoCaseDict() content_length = 0 while True: line = (await Request._safe_readline( client_reader)).strip().decode() if line == '': break header, value = line.split(':', 1) value = value.strip() headers[header] = value if header.lower() == 'content-length': content_length = int(value) # body body = b'' if content_length and content_length <= Request.max_body_length: body = await client_reader.readexactly(content_length) stream = None else: body = b'' stream = client_reader return Request(app, client_addr, method, url, http_version, headers, body=body, stream=stream, sock=(client_reader, client_writer)) @property def stream(self): if self._stream is None: self._stream = _AsyncBytesIO(self._body) return self._stream @staticmethod async def _safe_readline(stream): line = (await stream.readline()) if len(line) > Request.max_readline: raise ValueError('line too long') return line class Response(BaseResponse): """An HTTP response class. :param body: The body of the response. If a dictionary or list is given, a JSON formatter is used to generate the body. If a file-like object or an async generator is given, a streaming response is used. If a string is given, it is encoded from UTF-8. Else, the body should be a byte sequence. :param status_code: The numeric HTTP status code of the response. The default is 200. :param headers: A dictionary of headers to include in the response. :param reason: A custom reason phrase to add after the status code. The default is "OK" for responses with a 200 status code and "N/A" for any other status codes. """ async def write(self, stream): self.complete() try: # status code reason = self.reason if self.reason is not None else \ ('OK' if self.status_code == 200 else 'N/A') await stream.awrite('HTTP/1.0 {status_code} {reason}\r\n'.format( status_code=self.status_code, reason=reason).encode()) # headers for header, value in self.headers.items(): values = value if isinstance(value, list) else [value] for value in values: await stream.awrite('{header}: {value}\r\n'.format( header=header, value=value).encode()) await stream.awrite(b'\r\n') # body if not self.is_head: async for body in self.body_iter(): if isinstance(body, str): # pragma: no cover body = body.encode() await stream.awrite(body) except OSError as exc: # pragma: no cover if exc.errno in MUTED_SOCKET_ERRORS or \ exc.args[0] == 'Connection lost': pass else: raise def body_iter(self): if hasattr(self.body, '__anext__'): # response body is an async generator return self.body response = self class iter: def __aiter__(self): if response.body: self.i = 0 # need to determine type of response.body else: self.i = -1 # no response body return self async def __anext__(self): if self.i == -1: raise StopAsyncIteration if self.i == 0: if hasattr(response.body, 'read'): self.i = 2 # response body is a file-like object elif hasattr(response.body, '__next__'): self.i = 1 # response body is a sync generator return next(response.body) else: self.i = -1 # response body is a plain string return response.body elif self.i == 1: try: return next(response.body) except StopIteration: raise StopAsyncIteration buf = response.body.read(response.send_file_buffer_size) if _iscoroutine(buf): # pragma: no cover buf = await buf if len(buf) < response.send_file_buffer_size: self.i = -1 if hasattr(response.body, 'close'): # pragma: no cover result = response.body.close() if _iscoroutine(result): await result return buf return iter() class Microdot(BaseMicrodot): async def start_server(self, host='', port=5000, debug=False, ssl=None): """Start the Microdot web server as a coroutine. This coroutine does not normally return, as the server enters an endless listening loop. The :func:`shutdown` function provides a method for terminating the server gracefully. :param host: The hostname or IP address of the network interface that will be listening for requests. A value of ``''`` (the default) indicates that the server should listen for requests on all the available interfaces, and a value of ```` indicates that the server should listen for requests only on the internal networking interface of the host. :param port: The port number to listen for requests. The default is port 5000. :param debug: If ``True``, the server logs debugging information. The default is ``False``. :param ssl: An ``SSLContext`` instance or ``None`` if the server should not use TLS. The default is ``None``. This method is a coroutine. Example:: import asyncio from microdot_asyncio import Microdot app = Microdot() @app.route('/') async def index(): return 'Hello, world!' async def main(): await app.start_server(debug=True) asyncio.run(main()) """ self.debug = debug async def serve(reader, writer): if not hasattr(writer, 'awrite'): # pragma: no cover # CPython provides the awrite and aclose methods in 3.8+ async def awrite(self, data): self.write(data) await self.drain() async def aclose(self): self.close() await self.wait_closed() from types import MethodType writer.awrite = MethodType(awrite, writer) writer.aclose = MethodType(aclose, writer) await self.handle_request(reader, writer) if self.debug: # pragma: no cover print('Starting async server on {host}:{port}...'.format( host=host, port=port)) try: self.server = await asyncio.start_server(serve, host, port, ssl=ssl) except TypeError: self.server = await asyncio.start_server(serve, host, port) while True: try: await self.server.wait_closed() break except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover # the task hasn't been initialized in the server object yet # wait a bit and try again await asyncio.sleep(0.1) def run(self, host='', port=5000, debug=False, ssl=None): """Start the web server. This function does not normally return, as the server enters an endless listening loop. The :func:`shutdown` function provides a method for terminating the server gracefully. :param host: The hostname or IP address of the network interface that will be listening for requests. A value of ``''`` (the default) indicates that the server should listen for requests on all the available interfaces, and a value of ```` indicates that the server should listen for requests only on the internal networking interface of the host. :param port: The port number to listen for requests. The default is port 5000. :param debug: If ``True``, the server logs debugging information. The default is ``False``. :param ssl: An ``SSLContext`` instance or ``None`` if the server should not use TLS. The default is ``None``. Example:: from microdot_asyncio import Microdot app = Microdot() @app.route('/') async def index(): return 'Hello, world!' app.run(debug=True) """ asyncio.run(self.start_server(host=host, port=port, debug=debug, ssl=ssl)) def shutdown(self): self.server.close() async def handle_request(self, reader, writer): req = None try: req = await Request.create(self, reader, writer, writer.get_extra_info('peername')) except Exception as exc: # pragma: no cover print_exception(exc) res = await self.dispatch_request(req) if res != Response.already_handled: # pragma: no branch await res.write(writer) try: await writer.aclose() except OSError as exc: # pragma: no cover if exc.errno in MUTED_SOCKET_ERRORS: pass else: raise if self.debug and req: # pragma: no cover print('{method} {path} {status_code}'.format( method=req.method, path=req.path, status_code=res.status_code)) async def dispatch_request(self, req): after_request_handled = False if req: if req.content_length > req.max_content_length: if 413 in self.error_handlers: res = await self._invoke_handler( self.error_handlers[413], req) else: res = 'Payload too large', 413 else: f = self.find_route(req) try: res = None if callable(f): for handler in self.before_request_handlers: res = await self._invoke_handler(handler, req) if res: break if res is None: res = await self._invoke_handler( f, req, **req.url_args) if isinstance(res, tuple): body = res[0] if isinstance(res[1], int): status_code = res[1] headers = res[2] if len(res) > 2 else {} else: status_code = 200 headers = res[1] res = Response(body, status_code, headers) elif not isinstance(res, Response): res = Response(res) for handler in self.after_request_handlers: res = await self._invoke_handler( handler, req, res) or res for handler in req.after_request_handlers: res = await self._invoke_handler( handler, req, res) or res after_request_handled = True elif isinstance(f, dict): res = Response(headers=f) elif f in self.error_handlers: res = await self._invoke_handler( self.error_handlers[f], req) else: res = 'Not found', f except HTTPException as exc: if exc.status_code in self.error_handlers: res = self.error_handlers[exc.status_code](req) else: res = exc.reason, exc.status_code except Exception as exc: print_exception(exc) exc_class = None res = None if exc.__class__ in self.error_handlers: exc_class = exc.__class__ else: for c in mro(exc.__class__)[1:]: if c in self.error_handlers: exc_class = c break if exc_class: try: res = await self._invoke_handler( self.error_handlers[exc_class], req, exc) except Exception as exc2: # pragma: no cover print_exception(exc2) if res is None: if 500 in self.error_handlers: res = await self._invoke_handler( self.error_handlers[500], req) else: res = 'Internal server error', 500 else: if 400 in self.error_handlers: res = await self._invoke_handler(self.error_handlers[400], req) else: res = 'Bad request', 400 if isinstance(res, tuple): res = Response(*res) elif not isinstance(res, Response): res = Response(res) if not after_request_handled: for handler in self.after_error_request_handlers: res = await self._invoke_handler( handler, req, res) or res res.is_head = (req and req.method == 'HEAD') return res async def _invoke_handler(self, f_or_coro, *args, **kwargs): ret = f_or_coro(*args, **kwargs) if _iscoroutine(ret): ret = await ret return ret abort = Microdot.abort Response.already_handled = Response() redirect = Response.redirect send_file = Response.send_file