inputs ports comparator A/D I2C switch button slide debouncing hello.button-blink.C3 board components traces interior hello.button-blink.C3.ino video hello.button.D11C board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.button.USB.ino hello.button.D11C.ino hello.button.t412 board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.button.serial.ino hello.button.t412.ino magnetic field Hall effect hello.mag.45 board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.mag.45.c makefile video hello.mag.t412 board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.mag.serial.ino hello.mag.t412.ino hello.mag.D11C board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.mag.USB.ino hello.mag.D11C.ino vector applications simulation hello.TLE493D.t412 board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.TLE493D.t412.ino .c .make .py video potentiometer hello.DRV8428-D11C-NEMA17 step response resistance, capacitance, inductance, position, pressure, tilt, acceleration, humidity, proximity, touch, multitouch, force, bending, ... averaging, filtering, shielding self-capacitance, loading, 1 pin hardware QTouch FreeTouch hello.touch.D21 board components traces interior hello.touch.D21.ino video ESP32 IDF Arduino MicroPython hello.touch.S3 board components top interior video resistor hello.steptime1.RP2040 board components traces interior video remote processor hello.load.RP2040.t412 board components traces holes interior hello.load.t412.ino video caliper LVDT CVDT video mutual capacitance, transmit-receive, 2 pins resistors hello.txrx2.RP2040 board components traces holes interior hello.txrx2.RP2040.ino video hello.txrx.t1624 board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.txrx.t1624.ino video remote op-amp hello.txrx.RP2040.op-amp board components traces holes interior hello.txrx.RP2040.op-amp.ino video dielectric spectroscopy application theory measurement VNA temperature bridges NTC RTD thermistors hello.temp.45 board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.temp.45.c makefile video IR thermocouples light LED reverse bias current IR visible phototransistor hello.light.45 board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.light.45.c makefile video synchronous detection spread spectrum hello.reflect.45 board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.reflect.45.c makefile video color RGB hello.VEML6040.t412 board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.VEML6040.ino video gesture motion Doppler radar hello.RCWL-0516 board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.RCWL-0516.c makefile video pyroelectric hello.HC-SR501 board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.HC-SR501.c makefile video distance optical VL53L0X library hello.VL53L0X.D11C board components reflow traces traces+exterior interior hello.VL53L0X.D11C.ino video VL53L1X module library hello.VL53L1X.t1614 board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.VL53L1X.ino video VL53L5CX module sonar hello.HC-SR04 board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.HC-SR04.c makefile video LIDAR real-time clock (RTC) PCF8523 module hello.PCF8523.RP2040 board components top holes interior hello.PCF8523.ino, video location, atomic clock time GNSS NMEA NEO-6 GT-U7 module hello.GPS.t1614 board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.GPS.t1614.ino video acceleration, rotation, orientation, IMU 3 axis accelerometer ADXL343 hello.ADXL343 board components reflow traces traces+exterior interior hello.ADXL343.c makefile calibration video 6 axis accelerometer+gyroscope MPU-6050 module ICM-20609 hello.MPU-6050.RP2040 board components top holes interior hello.MPU-6050.ino video 9 axis accelerometer+gyroscope+magnetometer BNO085 module BNO086 RVC serial hello.4754.RP2040 board components traces holes interior hello.4754.RP2040.html video SH2 library I2C MPU-9250 ICM-20948 module sound MEMS digital I2S Arduino MicroPython bottom port module hello.ICS-43434.RP2040 board components traces holes interior hello.ICS-43434.RP2040.ino video top port hello.CMM-4030D-261-I2S-TR.t1614 board components traces interior hello.CMM-4030D-261-I2S-TR.ino video analog hello.SPU0414HR5H board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.SPU0414HR5H.c makefile video electret op-amp hello.mic.45 board components traces traces+exterior interior hello.mic.45.c makefile video speech vibration piezo force capacitor resistor force sensing resistor strain gauge load cell angle pressure pulse air pollution gases image ESP32 ESP32S3 XIAO Sense module camera hello.ESP32-Sense.ino video ESP32-CAM hello.ESP32-CAM board components traces traces+exterior holes interior camera library video hello.ESP32-CAM.ino video AI module webcams boards libraries OpenCV OpenCV.js SimpleCV libuvc guvcview WebRTC video.html video browser security assignment group assignment: probe an input device's analog levels and digital signals individual assignment: measure something: add a sensor to a microcontroller board that you have designed and read it