projects Standing Desk, Opendesk, AtFab Shelter 2.0, yourHOUSE, Wikihouse, FabHouse, Fab Lab House machines Shaper Maslow ShopBot Onsrud Tormach Haas Hurco Zund MTM Fellesverkstedet stock cardboard rigid foam insulation (gesso, heat gun) veneer plywood Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) Medium Density Overlay (MDO) Oriented Strand Board (OSB), finishing Valchromat HDPE Lexan, polycarbonate Garolite Aluminum, Composite Panel vendors McMaster-Carr US Plastics Piedmont Plastics Admiral Metals Home Depot Boulter Plywood Steritt Lumber Beacon Sales job shops Proto Labs JLCPCB Star Rapid Yubo Precision DSH Cycle Start Fast Forward Composites SendCutSend Xometry tooling drills vs mills router, V bits number of flutes coatings center-cutting up, down, straight cut flat/ball end tapered extra long speeds and feeds chip load: ~ 0.001-0.010" feed rate (inches per minute) / (RPM x number of flutes) cut depth: ~ tool diameter step-over: ~ tool diameter/2 lubricants abrasive slurry, bits, grinding fixturing vises bar clamps screws nails, nailers vacuum wedges weights glue tape encapsulation sacrificial layers, squaring dust collection fasteners, glues flexures, living hinges, kerfing, steam bending, wacky wood joints, joinery, reciprocal frame, tensegrity, Maxwell criterion folding toolpaths kerf, offset, runout conventional, climb rough/finish cuts high-speed, dry, ramping, adaptive clearing, swarf, rest, trochoidal one-sided, two-sided, registration 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 3+2, 5 axis tool length compensation cut depth, clearance, collisions T-bones, dog-bones tabs, onion skinning nesting lead-in, -out test cuts, cutting air simulation prototyping CAM CAMotics VCarvePro FeatureCAM Mastercam HSMWorks CAMWorks Freecad Path Solidworks CAM Fusion 360 OpenBuilds mods outline rough finish file formats .rml .sbp .g .ord safety training splinters, cuts, burns, impacts, fires tool breaking glasses, shoes, clothes, hair, gloves look, listen, smell your hand is not a tool don't reach into a powered tool emergency stop, assistance personal state assignment group assignment do your lab's safety training test runout, alignment, fixturing, speeds, feeds, materials, and toolpaths for your machine individual assignment make (design+mill+assemble) something big (~meter-scale) extra credit: don't use fasteners or glue extra credit: include curved surfaces